Warm-Up for Narrative Paragraphs

This lesson will help you think about important memories you have that you would like to share in a narrative paragraph.
What Is a Narrative Paragraph?
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A narrative paragraph is a short piece of writing that captures an important moment in your life. Narrative is another word for "story."
Your mind is like a bank for memories. It saves and stores special moments from your life for you to remember and enjoy. For example, what about that day that you hit the winning home run? In a narrative, you pull out a memory from your mind bank and tell the story to others. This unit will show you how to turn a special moment from your life into a story for readers to enjoy.
Thinking About Special Memories
Wouldn’t it be neat if you could experience something great all over again? Imagine if a genie granted you the power to relive three of your favorite memories. What memories would you do over?
Here’s how one student used his three memory wishes.