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Teacher Tips and Answers

Using Independent Clauses


An independent clause has a subject and a verb, expresses a compete thought, and can stand alone as a simple sentence.

I made a movie.

An independent clause can have a compound subject—two or more subjects joined by and or or.

James and I made a movie.

An independent clause can also have a compound predicate—two or more verb phrases joined by and or or.

We wrote the script and played the lead roles.

Even with a compound subject and a compound predicate, the independent clause still is just a simple sentence, expressing one complete thought.

James and I shot the footage and edited it into a movie.

You can connect two simple sentences with a comma and a coordinating conjunction (and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet). The result is a compound sentence.

The movie is called The Beast of Bray Road. You can view it on YouTube.

The movie is called The Beast of Bray Road, and you can view it on YouTube.

You can also join the sentences by using just a semicolon.

The movie is called The Beast of Bray Road; you can view it on YouTube.

Identify simple and compound sentences.

Mark each simple sentence with an S and each compound sentence with a C. Make a copy of this Google doc.

  1. The Beast of Bray Road is an action-comedy-mystery movie.


  2. James and I wrote the script about a legendary Wisconsin werewolf, and I play the beast.


  3. Witnesses reported spotting a 7 foot wolfman outside Elkhorn.


  4. A reporter named Linda Godfrey investigated, and her articles became the book The Beast of Bray Road.


  5. Some people say the beast is just a big dog or a common wolf or even a bear suffering from mange.


  6. In our movie, the beast is a washed-up salesman seeking attention.


  7. A researcher named Dr. McClairensteingovilmeister thinks the beast is a monster, but not a Sasquatch.


  8. Soon, a second wolfman shows up, and then a Sasquatch appears.


  9. Suddenly, a merman shows up, and "The Monster Mash" begins.


  10. James, our friends, and I played the many parts and had a blast filming The Beast of Bray Road.


Combine sentences.

Choose the best way to combine each sentence pair. You might create a compound subject or a compound predicate or a compound sentence—whichever sounds best. Make a copy of this Google doc.

reading a menu
  1. Mexican food is delicious. Southwestern cuisine is delicious.

    (Answers will vary.) Mexican food and Southwestern cuisine are delicious.

  2. I make tacos at home. I order chimichangas in a restaurant.

    (Answers will vary.) I make tacos at home but order chimichangas in a restaurant.

  3. Other people order nachos as an appetizer. I like them as a meal.

    (Answers will vary.) Other people order nachos as an appetizer, but I like them as a meal.

  4. "Gordita" means "chubby" in Spanish. "Flauta" means "flute."

    (Answers will vary.) "Gordita" means "chubby" in Spanish, and "flauta" means "flute."

  5. A flauta is rolled. It is deep fried.

    (Answers will vary.) A flauta is rolled and deep fried.

  6. A churro is deep fried. It is rolled in cinnamon.

    (Answers will vary.) A churro is deep fried and rolled in cinnamon.

  7. I enjoy drinking a Jarritos soft drink. I sometimes order a creamy horchata.

    (Answers will vary.) I enjoy drinking a Jarritos soft drink, but I sometimes order a creamy horchata.

  8. Long-grain rice and ice give a horchata its color. Cinnamon sticks and vanilla give this sweet drink its flavor.

    (Answers will vary.) Long-grain rice and ice give a horchata its color, but cinnamon sticks and vanilla give this sweet drink its flavor.

  9. In springtime I celebrate Cinco de Mayo. In fall I observe the Day of the Dead.

    (Answers will vary.) In springtime I celebrate Cinco de Mayo; in fall I observe the Day of the Dead.

  10. I enjoy Mexican food anytime. It makes any day a holiday.

    (Answers will vary.) I enjoy Mexican food anytime, for it makes any day a holiday.

Work with clauses.

Write a paragraph (at least 10 sentences) about a favorite type of food. Read your sentences and combine some using compound subjects, compound predicates, and compound sentences.

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