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Prewriting for Narrative Paragraphs

Prewriting is your first step in writing a narrative paragraph. These prewriting activities will help you select a memory to write about, create a focus statement, and gather and organize your details before you begin a first draft.

Prewriting to Choose Your Topic

Your narrative paragraph will share a special memory from your life. Here’s how you can get started.

Gather writing topics.

Finish the sentence starters below to collect writing ideas for your narrative. Draw a star next to the topic you like best. Make a copy of this Google doc or download a Word template.

  1. One of my favorite times with my best friend was . . .

  2. I’ll never forget the holiday when . . .

  3. I’ll never forget my family vacation to . . .

  4. One crazy thing my family did was . . .

  5. I’ll always remember the first time I . . .

  6. An exciting time in my neighborhood was when . . .

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